When I first started posting Montage Monday, I said it would be a collection of some of my best travel photography to inspire others to travel. This photo doesn’t exactly qualify as a quality photo, but I felt the content deserved a post of its own (and maybe you, the reader, can offer an explanation!). While staying in Aqaba, Jordan on the coast of the Red Sea, I ran in this location twice. I ran south towards the Saudi Arabian border, and both times, I came across this tractor only a few miles north of the border. I snapped this photo of it the second day, as I just found it so bizarre. On my right side was the beautiful sea and on my left side was this desert land. I could not figure out why a tractor would be pulling speed boats through the desert in Jordan. Why isn’t a truck pulling the boat? And why is there a tractor in this part of Jordan- there’s no farmland! And where are these boats coming from in the desert? The combination was quite odd! If you’d like to venture a guess (or fabricate some ridiculous story), feel free to post it below!
Oh my goodness I love this! When I saw it, I thought…surely she’s not back in South Carolina…because that’s the only other place you would see something like that!
.-= Spencer SpellmanĀ“s last blog ..Hyatt Place Hotel in Greenville, South Carolina =-.
It was definitely not a sight I expected to see on the Jordan- Saudi Arabian border, that’s for sure!